Despite two London seasons, a gaggle of besotted beaux, and her mother's incurable matchmaking, Cupid's darts had found no chink in lovely Nicole Wynstan's heart. She considered love a dangerous emotion, and spinsterhood a freer state than matrimony. She was, however, intrigued by the village tattle about the new Marquis of Cranbourne: "a libertine and wickedly handsome." But when the enigmatic Marquis interrupted her morning ride to doer her off his land, she gave him a fiery retort -- only to be answered with a kiss, to teach her a lesson.
Jocelyn Sturbridge of Cranbourne found females fascinating, maddening, expensive, and in need of correction -- even one as beguiling as this pert chit. And it amused him to see her flush (could it, perchance, be more than anger?) Little did Jocelyn dream Nicky suspected him of criminal activity, and intended to unmask him. Still less did Nicky know the hazards of such a reckless course -- or the irresistible peril to her sensibilities!