Call it ESP, but Reverend Claire Aldington had an uneasy feeling about Christmas. And as the season approached, havoc indeed reigned at fashionable St. Anselm's on New York's Upper East Side. A petty thief was on the loose. A radical young priest was making waves. And church officials were madly preparing for a holiday visit from Alec Maitland, the venerable former dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
But Claire's intuituve powers had not prepared her for the dire catastrophe: the savage murder of Dr. Maitland shortly after his arrival. For Claire, the consequences are dreadful. Her husband stands accused of the crime - even as she receives anonymous, threatening notes. Then the body count begins to mount. The police are baffled. And Claire realizes that she alone must solve the mystery or risk losing all she holds dear - including perhaps, her life...