An American Fairy Tale. The second book of the series. There is social injustice for the US taxpayers, the workers called, Americans. The light shines brightly on the employed Americans, when the US government taxes the workers, creates a series of stupid jobs of nothing, and then pours the tax payers' money into a set of empty schools. The US government is destroying the very heartland of capitalism in America. Thus, the US Federal Government quashes the US American freedom, creates dependency of citizens, and deters money investment in businesses, and bogs down US economic growth. All these actions lead to collapse. Americans, today, are economically illiterate, when they allow taxation of their hard working income, elect politicians, who vote for more bank money debt of US and the influx of foreigners. The foreigners suck and bleed Americans of their own government services, freely, silently and deadly. Americans are experiencing, all of the below situations economic failure, unemployment, protests, crimes, corruption, and finally dependency on the US Federal Government. America has become an open pocketbook for the poor, a gold mine for the rich, a forger of fake paper money for the government, along with a debtor of high and massive legal financial credit notes for the stupid middle class folks. American has changed into a new type of government, which is fueled by a set of fake worthless shit filled toilet paper nicknamed as 'money.'The money totals, today, at $24 trillion, way beyond any historical world debt by other foreign country. The debt has been created by the back-walking and sweet-talking happy-faced corrupt politicians and their pissing minions. Every day, the hard-working Americans see them bastards on the screens of televisions, mobile phones, computers, or hear them on the radio and still can't fucking stop, the rash of cash. So, a small band of southern rebel billionaires are taking over the USA. Then, each American must choose their fate, their fascis