Professor Martin Gardener and Doctor Simon Fulher who are friends and work colleagues at a university in Newcastle upon Tyne are creating a pill called compound Y that will improve the quality of life for most amnesia patients around the world. This pill is in the prototype development stages when it has a disastrous consequence. This leads to the guinea pig of the project Martin Gardener regressing into a past life. He is unaware that this is happening to him as he just blacks out and when he awakens he has a really bad headache that he just can't explain. This leads him to doctor after doctor to try and find out what's wrong with him, not realising that it's the pills that are causing the blackouts. He is eventually sent to see a specialist doctor that practises in hypnosis so that he has some understanding of what's happening to him when he blacks out.
While Martin has these blackouts he goes back to the year 1513 and becomes Will Dunne, which was one of his past lives whereby Martin finds this out about by undergoing the regression.
When Martin takes on the regressed state of Will Dunne he begins an adventure, which was to show the outcome of his untimely death on a battlefield fighting in the borderland of Scotland and England.