Randon, a world of incredible beauty and abundant natural resources, has lived in peace for centuries, its people abiding in graceful balance with their planet. Little do they know how their gentle world is about to be disrupted by the arrival of potential invaders from Earth, a group of humans seeking a safe place to settle away from their own dying and resource-depleted planet. But the invaders have much to learn about the Randoni and the remarkable abilities they possess. Jason and Desidera, human twins in search of a safe and good world, see possibilities the rest of the Earth delegation is missing. Together with two of the Randoni youngsters, Fallon and Edon, the twins explore the possibility of deliberately choosing peace, despite the conquering agenda of their ship. The Randon Invasion weaves a wise and thoughtful tale that captivates with adventure and insight. Join Jason, Desidera, Fallon, and Edon for the first book in an exciting new series