I am Liliana Lovelli, the first War Mage bonded to a cat, and I've just discovered an inter-dimensional war that could threaten everything. The thing is, I have no idea how to stop it. After being banished, bonded to a cat, and getting separated from my powerful brother, I didn't think things could get much worse, but we're dealing with demons here. My new battle partner's also silenced by a curse that turns him into a cat every time he tries to open up. Yes, I have a fae battle partner who can't lie OR tell the truth. Which is a shame, because he's not bad looking in his true form, and we get along better than I do with my family. Now it's up to me, my quirky tutor, and my somewhat-cat to figure out what the demons have planned for the fae realm, and by extension, the rest of the universe. But first, I must unravel the mystery of my bond and a bargain my family made with the fae before I was born. And that's going to be an adventure all by itself...