Revered as a great healer, part-Apache Karina Valdez is tormented by visions of great danger to her people and drawn to Rafe Tucker, the dashing stranger who asks for her help to find a hoard of lost gold hidden in the caves of Devil Mountain.
They called her Silver Eagle, revered by her people as a great medicine woman. Karina Valdez learned the healing power of plants from her Apache grandfather and the ways of the white man from her Spanish father. Yet now, as her visions warned of great danger to the Devil Mountain, Karina stood at a perilous crossroads, torn between love for her people, fear for their future, and desire for the bold stranger who asked her to help him.
A loner and a wanderer, Rafe Tucker came from Missouri to become a Texas Ranger. Now, rumors of a hoard of lost gold had lured him to the desolate country of Trans-Pecos, Texas and the caves of Devil Mountain. Karina would be his guide in a place that was sacred to her people, leading Rafe into a maze of danger and desire for this woman who walked uneasily between two worlds...who aroused his passion to fever pitch...and made him long to claim a love more precious than gold.