'Just wow! Brilliantly written!' 'So many twists and turns it was hard to put down.' 'It had me hooked.' Fire on wild Bodmin Moor, murder by impossible means, missing children, star-crossed lovers and a most mysterious family. Covert witch Amanda travels into Cornwall to learn a startling tale and take on a formidable task.Who and what is Lucy? What really went on at Growan House School? Who is the killer? Detective Inspector Trelawney must dig into his clan's nefarious past to discover vital clues.Armed with only a wand and her eternally grumpy cat, Tempest, can Amanda survive her most perilous journey yet into the past, and solve the strange case of Lucy Penlowr? You'll love this delightful paranormal mystery if you're a fan of cozies, urban fantasy or a ghost story with just the right amount of tension. Get it now.