Psst! Wanna hear a secret? I play Ping-Pong. And I just don't play, I'm a regular Ping-Pong wizard!
Take a look:
Ping. Papa Pete serves it up.
Pong. I get my paddle up to block the ball. Miss. Ping. Another curveball coming straight at me.
Pong. Got my paddle on it. Not a great shot, but it goes over the net.
Ping. Here comes a killer serve. I don't even see it corning.
Pong! I lunge for it. Got it! unbelievable! I return that serve.
I'm sweating, moving my feet like lightning. I bounce from foot to foot, shifting my weight, so that no matter what direction the ball takes, I'll be there.
Ping. Pong. Ping. Pong. Ping. Pang. Ping. Pong.
Look at me, world. I'm pinging and ponging! only, try to keep it a secret, okay?