An evocative wordless picture book that is a loving tribute to mindful living on our precious planet.* "Beautifully effective." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "Deeply profound... compelling... emotionally resonant." -- School Library Journal, starred review* "Elevating the life of an ephemeral object to the time scale of love across generations." -- Publishers Weekly, starred reviewFrom a tall tree growing in the forest--to the checkout counter at the grocery store--one little bag finds its way into the hands of a young boy on the eve of his first day of school.
And so begins an incredible journey of one little bag that is usedand reusedand reused again.
In a three-generation family, the bag is transporter of objects and keeper of memories. And when Grandfather comes to the end of his life, the family finds a meaningful new way for the battered, but much-loved little bag to continue its journey in the circle of life.