REX--He Was Muscled, Bronzed, a Hercules Come to Life....
He wasn't at all the kind of man she expected to apply for the job! Rex Dakeland had bedroom eyes, a great physique, and a pirate's grin--why did he want to play butler to a single mom's delightfully chaotic household? Drew Laughlin suspected his motives, but she hated housework and cooking more than she let herself wonder about Rex's private agenda.
The White-Hot Lightning of Desire
Rex had promised an old friend to check up on Drew and her children, but keeping his secret felt too much like spying. Mesmerized by Drew's sweet fire, tempted by need that burned deep inside, he yearned to comfort her, to protect her--and to make Drew his forever. Once unexpected love ensnared them both, could he win her trust and be her one and only?