In this short story from the thrilling anthology FaceOff, bestselling authors Heather Graham and F. Paul Wilson -- along with their popular series characters Michael Quinn and Repairman Jack -- team up for the first time ever.Jules Chastain, the last surviving member of a wealthy New Orleans family, has a problem. And he's hired Repairman Jack to fix it.
It seems that Chastain “appropriated” an artifact from a fellow collector, Madame de Medici, and she wants it back. But the item -- an ancient ring -- is located somewhere in the family mausoleum and Chastain is too terrified of the wrath of his enemies to even leave his house to look for it. Meanwhile, Michael Quinn, himself a bit of an independent contractor, is waiting in the mausoleum when Jack arrives. And it's Quinn -- whose day job at The Cheshire Cat curiosity shop in New Orleans has made him familiar with mystical objects -- who tells Jack that they are dealing with more than just a ring. They're dealing with one of the Seven Infernals. Which means a simple retrieval job just got much more dangerous.
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