A young boy has all sorts of wishes for Santa, but what would Christmas really be like if Santa marched to a different drummer? Endearing pictures and a fanciful story suggest the delightful possibilities.
Christmas is coming, and Maxie has wishes. “Mommy, I wish Santa would come by helicopter.” So begins a loving, charmingly illustrated give-and-take between a boy and his mother, in which his fantasies run wild and she sweetly brings him back to reality again. When he hopes that Santa will help them trim their tree, Mom wonders: “Then, Maxie, who would trim Santa's tree?” When he longs to have Santa join them for dinner, Mama points out that a jolly, roly-poly man and his 8 reindeer would eat quite a lot. But, of course, holiday dreams do come true, and maybe, on Christmas morn, Santa will be there.