Now, in his most gripping thriller yet, Coyle takes us to a new level of battlefield realism and excitement with a story that echoes the complex U.S. military mission in today's world...
A corrupt and fractured government in Bogota, Colombia, requests a small expeditionary force of U.S. troops to combat drug lords and a growing insurgency. It's a scenario for disaster: an unstable elusive enemy...a political and military minefield. The 11th Air Assault Division is called on to act as a police force, even while Brigadier General Scott Dixon reports back from a fact-finding mission that it's a war America can't win. But for a paper-pushing U.S. Major General in Bogota, no initiative is too risky to safeguard his career. Then Captain Nancy Kozak--under assault in the field, but determined to avert defeat and protect the soldiers in her command--dares to defy him. With careers hanging in the balance, Kozak is struggling to survive an explosive clash that pits resolve against prejudice, and honor against ambition....