A fugitive from the Sprytes, one of the most dangerous supernatural cults on Earth, Betty has refashioned herself as a revealer of dark conspiracies and a killer of misogynous conspirators. On her crusade, she has successfully stayed off the radar for months. When the Sprytes close in, however, Betty may find herself entangled in a conspiracy too dark to escape.
Eve of Light is a dark metaphysical fantasy series chronicling the surreal events leading up to the Apocalypse -- the Death of God. The setting is a contemporary, alternate Earth on the verge of a cataclysm that will warp space, time, and minds. The main narrative of those plotting and battling to save humanity is told in the Eve of Light series of novels. The short stories and novellas are simply flashes on the fringe -- episodes told from the perspective of everyday men and women living in a world turned weird.