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Finally available, a high quality book of the original classic edition of Rudy and Babette - Or, Capture of The Eagle's Nest. It was previously published by other bona fide publishers, and is now, after many years, back in print.

This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important work by H. C. (Hans Christian) Andersen, which is now, at last, again available to you.

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Enjoy this classic work today. These selected paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside Rudy and Babette - Or, Capture of The Eagle's Nest:

Look inside the book:

'Come with me on the roof, ' the cat said to him; for when children have not learnt to talk, they can understand the speech of birds and animals quite as well as that of their father and mother; but that is only while they are very little, and their grandfather's stick seems as good as a live horse, with head, legs, and tail. ...Her little tongue was never still for an instant, and all that Babette had to say was intensely interesting to Rudy; and he told her all about himself-that he had frequently been to Bex, and knew the mill well, and that he had often seen her, though he did not suppose she had ever noticed him; and how he had called at the mill, hoping to see her, and found that her father and she were away from home, a long way from home, indeed, but not so far that he could not get over the barrier which divided them. ...Even the miller, who had always led the conversation, and who had always had his remarks and jokes laughed at on account of his wealth, seemed to delight in hearing of all Rudy's adventures in his hunting; and Rudy described the difficulties and perils which the chamois-hunters have to face among the mountains-how they must cling to, or creep over, the narrow ledges of snow which are frozen on to the mountain sides, and make their way over the snow bridges which span deep chasms in the rocks.

About H. C. (Hans Christian) Andersen, the Author:

A review that appeared in the journal The Anthenaeum (February 1846) said of Wonderful Stories, 'This is a book full of life and fancy; a book for grandfathers no less than grandchildren, not a word of which will be skipped by those who have it once in hand.' ...The 1952 film Hans Christian Andersen, though inspired by Andersen's life and literary legacy, was meant to be neither historically nor biographically accurate; it begins by saying, 'This is not the story of his life, but a fairy tale about this great spinner of fairy tales.'