When Lawrence Fisher tells 18-year-old Miriam Troyer that it's over between them, Miriam is devastated. Lawrence is the man of her dreams, the one she is ready to spend her life with, and now he doesn't want her. Sent away from home to her kin on the west coast, Miriam is set loose in a new and exciting environment-with a cousin who is not Amish. Miriam embarks on her Rumspringa, vowing to prove that she is worthy of Lawrence's interest and affection. She dives into everything, eager to be known as adventurous and daring; unfortunately, it comes back to bite her. Once again, Miriam is set adrift. She doesn't know who she is anymore-or who she should be. Only a crisis will show her the truth of her heart and her faith.Grab this sweet and tender inspirational Amish Romance today.