STAGECOACH -- the powerful series of the Old West -- filled with the danger, history, and romance of the bold men and women who conquered the frontier. Stage driver Quint Burgess had returned from the East with a half-Indian bride. She was Laurel Fox, who had left her tribal home and, against all odds, had become a physician trained in the white man's medicine. Quint and Laurel were determined to bring these healing practices to her people, the proud Southern Utes. But they would have to face down four determined hard cases, each with a personal score to settle with Quint. And they would have to conquer the fear and suspicion of the Cites themselves. A desperate showdown loomed among the haunted stone dwellings of Mesa Verde -- home to the troubled spirits of an ancient people and refuge for a revered medicine man, Laurel's grandfather, whose powers were greater than any the white man had ever known.