The Corner Pocket KillerA Davis Finn MysteryVolume 34Welcome to the 34th volume of the exciting Davis Finn Mystery Series.In The Corner Pocket Killer, Davis James Henry Finn V investigates thirteen murders which occurred from 1998 through 2010. Finn V chases a serial killer named Larry Red Cunningham, whose taken on the identity of Ronnie Clement, an automobile repairman grease monkey who specializes in brake jobs, and is a rolling stone who is also con man, gambler, and two-bit hustler. Clement is also a wizard with a pool cue, one who has become The King of Nine Ball, and is adept at fleecing money from the deep-pocketed financial backers of all the wannabe challengers to his throne in dark, ugly, deadly, live-or-die, world of high-stakes pool gambling. As Finn V navigates through the grisly world of serial killer in this thrilling adventure, he investigates thirteen murders with roots in Arkansas, Texas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, California, New Jersey, Washington state, Nevada, and Boston, Massachusetts. His quest for justice for the victims culminates in Portland, Maine. Please join Finn V as he faces danger, death, plots that twist and turn, and a surprise ending to his journey. I know you'll love it.Blessings,Dr. Hal Graff