There are bad cops, then there are Bad cops. When one of the good ones receives a call alerting him to a deal going down on a major case he's working, he has no choice but to follow up on it. Standing in a darkened alley across from a bar, they watch the seedy bar across the street. When he decides it's now or never, he and his partner step out with their weapons drawn and advance on the building. His instincts tell him that this could be a setup. But little did he know that it is and it has been set by one of his own, a brother cop. Matt Murphy stood beside the hospital bed looking down at his best friend. He had been shot and was now fighting for his life. Murphy knew that this might happen one day, it came with the job, but he still wasn't completely ready for the reality of it. As he stood there he vowed to find the one responsible and realized that for the first time in his life he wanted to kill someone.