Bondoni, an incredibly versatile Argentinian writer, has a special touch and a unique perspective few others can match... If you want a fresh new voice in horror, try Gustavo Bondoni. Elana Gomel, author of Little Sister, Black House, and My Lady of Plagues Haunted houses, haunted lands, haunted locations... Places can be as dark as the myths, legends, and stories surrounding them. Gustavo Bondoni knows these places well, having a worldview that is different from the average traveler... understanding horror and the roots of it, the foundations it is built from. In these stories, dark places come up into the light... There's thunder in Old Kilpatrick, thunder that has become familiar to a young boy during the war. Then a strange new danger arrives... yet it may not be a threat, but a blessing in disguise. It's a day's ride to Tarabuco for two infamous outlaws, who are searching for a burial chamber but end up unearthing more than they bargained for. The Antarctic hides ancient secrets, and one will be discovered by an expedition dispatched to find out why an outpost's signal has gone silent. Gustavo Bondoni will bring you into these dark places to face their horrors, to find and experience the malicious and maligned. If you choose to turn the page...