IN A LAND AFLAME WITH THE FIRES OF REVOLUTION... -- Andrew -- the charming, carefree soldier who sought glory on the battlefield, and returned a shattered man... Niall -- the legendary frontiersman and a former Shawnee captive, tormented by the past he could never escape... Roger -- the outcast and troubled youth who longed to be a hero, and who would rise up to claim a dark and shocking legacy... Clarice -- the passionate beauty who held all their hearts -- a woman bound to one man, hopelessly in love with another...
From a graceful Virginia plantation to the majestic mountains of Kentucky, from the fevered heat of battle to the glorious birth of a nation, they were four people living an unforgettable moment in history. Set against the fiery backdrop of the American Revolution, VICTORY's WOMAN tells the stirring story of three men fighting for their heritage -- and the extraordinary woman destined to change all their lives forever.