Midnight Echo 17. The official magazine of the Australasian Horror Writers Association, featuring short fiction, poetry and non-fiction from some of Australasia's best writers of dark fiction. Issue 17 includes: Editorial Greg ChapmanLa Belle Morte Sans Merci by Kat ClaySmothered, Still and Silent by Deborah SheldonFeathers by Chris MasonHand and Heart by Geraldine BorellaRestless by D.I. RussellThe Fruits of Labour by Mark TowseThe House Contrition Built by Rebecca FraserFearful Symmetry by Stephen DedmanThe Hole in Emily's Heart by Michael HughesUniverse, Devoured by Pamela JeffsVisitation Rites by Matthew R. DavisThe Lighthouse by Claire FitzpatrickThe Tub by J. Ashley-SmithTest of Death by Michael BoturAnimal Parade by Dani Ringrose