Earth is but a memory...the real action these days is in The Magnicate, a league of all the human worlds in the galaxy. At the center of the Magnicate is the Hub, a huge artificial world from which control of Human Space flows. The Hub government is in the main an instrument for progress and social good, but even so control sometimes requires force-enter The Harriers.
The Grand Harriers: An elite military force created to guard the Hub and the diplomats who travel there-and to ensure their own position as the one unassailable force in Human Space.
The Petit Harriers: A motley band of hard-case adventurers created to do the planet-side jobs the Grand Harriers wouldn't soil their white gloves on. No mission is too tough, dirty or dangerous. No method unthinkable. And yet the Petit Harriers do have their own kind of honor...and a hell of a lot more fun!