A concerned suitor comes to Felpz for advice -- with surprising results; Death makes an unlikely friend; Alister Bane finds himself transported to twentieth century Oxford -- or is it really Oxford? How the Norse queen of the underworld got her husbands; an ancient ghost returns to a remote hamlet and causes trouble; just what the Serpent was doing in the Garden of Eden is explained; and in the final story, Selene Shields must shepherd a handful of uncooperative civilians out of Death Valley, while the balance of day and night is thrown completely out of whack. These are the stories of Apsis Fiction: Perihelion 2014, the second issue of Goldeen Ogawa's semi-annual anthology of fantasy and science fiction. Perihelion 2014 includes: “A Horse in the Night” (Bouragner Felpz, Volume II, #2) “Death and the Cat” (Standalone) “The Elder Machine” (Professor Odd #4) “The Husbands of Hel” (Standalone) “The Ghost of Castle Hill” (Bouragner Felpz, Volume II #2) “How Eve Left the Garden” (Standalone) “Shadows in the Valley of Death” (Driving Arcana #3)