Mission… Impossible: The pixies' mission -- if Allegro and Glissando are to accept it -- is to secure the future of a troubled England. To achieve this, the Earl of Falconwood, better known as the Black Falcon, must marry Nicola Moore. Never mind the woman is a hoyden who makes the most atrocious hats decorated with machine parts, which she then dyes with her famous Clockwork Blue. And certainly forget the earl is atoning for his brother's death by purposely hovering on the fringes of the ton. Add to the mix Glissando's tendency to slip to the side of the Mrasek, the ones who work to free the evil Lord Sethos. But Maestro depends on the pixies -- for better or for worse. To release the magic trapped in the Clockwork Blue dye -- a magic that will safeguard England's future -- Malcolm and Nicola must not only wed, but they must also fall in love.