Freelance reporter Miranda Carey embarks on a travel assignment aboard a European cruise ship and is surprised when her arrogant publisher Mitch Emerson turns up. Then, mysteriously pushed down a flight of stairs, she senses danger. When Mitch forces a brutal kiss upon her, Miranda wonders if the man who makes her heart beat so wildly is friend...or foe.
When feisty freelance reporter Miranda Carey accepts a travel assignment to launch a new European cruise line, she is amazed to find Mitch Emerson, her handsome and arrogant publisher, aboard. Mitch seems to be keeping tabs on her, especially since she made friends with the very wealthy Joe Miler, who wines her, dines her, and takes her shopping at every port. When Miranda's cabin is ransacked and she's pushed down a flight of stairs by a pair of mysterious hands, she realizes she has fallen into some dark and dangerous plot. But where does Mitch fit in? Is he -- or Joe Miller -- part of the terror being aimed at her...or is Mitch's presence aboard the Donau his way of propelling her toward safety -- and, maybe, into his arms...?