A marriage of convenience plunges a beautiful young woman into mysterious danger...and unexpected love...
Heart's Discovery
When the caretakers were suddenly called away from the charming Victorian inn Kim Cosgrove had inherited, she returned to Port Lathrop, Washington, to run it. It was off-season and she didn't expect any problems -- but that was before handsome Gray Stanton appeared, scouting the scenic area for a TV show, disrupting the daily routine. Then a violent nighttime storm blacked out the inn, causing further confusion as Kim and Gray were discovered sharing the same room.
If it looked like a whirlwind romance, it certainly didn't thrill everyone -- especially not Gerald Amherst, the young banker who had his eye on Kim for himself. And to complicate her life even more, mysterious accidents began plaguing the inn, causing Kim to turn to Gray as though he were more than a husband in name though he were the one man she could trust -- and love....