“An impressively imagined debut offers a devilishly cunning speculation on how a sinful world might greet news of a messiah's appearance.” -- Kirkus ReviewsOn the eve of the new millennium, a mysterious woman rises up from the ruins of an earthquake -- a woman with extraordinary powers. Is she the new redeemer come to save humanity from global collapse? Or a being bioengineered by those seeking power? Journalist Jonathan Feldman will stop at nothing to discover the truth.
“[Last Day] will keep readers enthralled until the very end. Expect to hear a lot about a new subgenre called the “millennial thriller” in the next couple of years, but don't expect to find one any better than this.
” -- Booklist“A combination of scientific thriller, religious satire, and New Age mysticism, this debut novel offers a view of what might happen as the end of the millennium approaches.”
-- Library Journal