Brian Gallagher and Andy McGrath grew up in the south end of Boston in the 1950s. They went to the same catholic school, had the same interest in Ireland, had both been hospitalized for Scarlet Feverâ€"they even shared a roomâ€"and grew up having the same dreams that took place during a time they did not live and involved people they did not know.
Some of us are meant to relive history…
One night during a party, Brian and Andy share a kiss that changes their lives and their friendship forever.
to remember a past that is not our own…
It isn't until high school that Brian realizes that he loves Andy, but his love isn't returned in kind and the two boys go their separate ways… but the dreams continue.
discover a curse that rules our lives…
When Brian learns that Andy is in the hospital after being hit by a car, his life becomes torn apart. For the only way to save Andy is to discover the truth behind their shared dreams and uncover a history he's not sure is real.
and will be relived again if it's not broken.
For Brian and Andy share a secret that spans time and have a connection that runs deeper than friendship.