"The Giant Panda Party is based on the popular Edinburgh Zoo pair, Sunshine and Sweetie. In this fun story from Gill Arbuthnott and Joanne Nethercott, Sweetie organizes a birthday surprise for Sunshine.... It s a lovely excuse to describe the characteristics of these animals and in particular the sounds they make."
Lothian LifeSunshine, the giant panda, is grumpy. His birthday is coming and he's sure no one will remember. But his best friend Sweetie has a plan. She sneaks around the zoo at night, asking all the other animals whether they can sing. The lion roars, the python hisses and the chimps say oo oo ooo But which zoo animal has the best singing voice? Will grumpy Sunshine get a giant birthday surprise?
Gill Arbuthnott's hilarious story of animal hijinks and Joanne Nethercott's endearing and lively illustrations combine for an entertaining romp set in Edinburgh Zoo
From the team who brought you
Lost at the Zoo.
(Ages 3-6)"