Love and Rockets: New Stories #6's cover shows Gilbertâ,"s new star Killer in a pose and milieu that will bring back memories for long-time fans â,” imitating the hammer-wielding Luba in her adopted Palomar. Thatâ,"s because Killer has discovered that her great-grandmother Maria (Lubaâ,"s mother) starred in a late 1950s crime movie, and begins to delve into the details of her familyâ,"s twisted history. Complicating things is the fact that Lubaâ,"s half-sister Fritz played Maria in an amped-up biopic version of her life, creating a postmodern alternate version of the classic â,"Poison Riverâ, which originally told Mariaâ,"s story (in a tie-in release, see page 52 for the graphic novel version of this movie, Maria M. Part One)! In the other half of the book, Jaime continues to explore his intriguing new character Tonta: In â,"Fuck Summer,â, Tonta is talked into joining the summer swim team but canâ,"t figure out why the brand new swim coach knows her â,” so, with help from friends, she sets out to find the answer. Meanwhile, something far more sinister is brewing behind the scenes...