Pursued by a powerful and evil man, beautiful Madeline Christophe was forced to flee France with an assumed name and a kidnapped baby. Desperation drove her into a hasty marriage of convenience with a ruggedly handsome stranger, an arrangement that would allow them to join the band of colonists headed for Texas. But it was passion, dark and irresistible, that drew her, night after night, into his arms....
His past a mystery even to himself, Brazos Sinclair was in no position to make any woman a decent husband -- especially an unmarried woman with a baby. But Madeline's fragile, exquisite beauty sparked something in Sinclair's tortured soul that he hadn't known he was still capable of: the desire to possess, to protect, to cherish. Though the secrets of their past -- and an unknown enemy -- could destroy them both, not even a man as strong as Sinclair could resist the charms of this fallen angel.