Third in the medieval fantasy series. “A perfectly delicious, not entirely serious, reimagining of part of Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur.” -- Booklist Her castle under siege by an evil knight who keeps beheading all her would-be rescuers, Lady Lynet realizes the only way to get help is to get it herself. So one night she slips away and strikes out for King Arthur's court where she hopes to find a gallant knight to vanquish the Knight of the Red Lands and free her castle. Gerald Morris's Arthurian novel is a highly comic tale of hidden identities, mysterious knights, faeries and enchantments, damsels-in-distress, and true love.
“In Morris's third wry, sometimes hilarious, take on an Arthurian legend, a sharp-tongued young damosel gets an education in sorcery, intrigue and what true knighthood is all about . . . Fans of Gail Carson Levine's
Ella Enchanted, Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles and similarly lighthearted fantasy will be delighted.” --
Kirkus Reviews “A rollicking treatment of a lesser-known episode from Sir Thomas Malory's
Le Morte d'Arthur . . . The novel is also enjoyable for its good-natured spoofing of the conventions of its medieval setting.” --
School Library Journal “A rare action-fantasy that crosses age and gender lines.” --
The Bulletin