From the moment those on Earth learned there was a true possibility of time travel, being the first to achieve this goal became the new Space Race. Governments and scientists alike gave little thought to the ramifications. They failed at time travel but succeeded in opening the portals between the parallel worlds of Torlin and Earth.
Torlin is a world of humans and humanâ€"demon hybrids. Some of these hybrids maintain control of their demon side, retaining their humanity and the ability to transform between human and demon. Others, known as rogueâ€"demons, are evil incarnate. For centuries, a battle for power has raged between the humans and rogueâ€"demons on Torlin. With the opening of the portals, this battle has now spread to Earth. Every fullâ€"moon, when the portal between these two worlds opens, the rogueâ€"demons storm through to inflict their reign of terror on the inhabitants of Earth.
Those from Torlin who track down and kill these gargoyleâ€"like demons are known as Demonâ€"Hunters. Many from this elite fighting force now call Earth home. These men and women spend most of their days training the few from Earth who posses the necessary skills to become a Demonâ€"Hunter. This new combined team works together against a never ending evil.