"George MacDonald was a 19th century Scottish writer, poet and minister. He is best known for his fairy tales and fantasies. His best-known works are Phantastes, The Princess and the Goblin, At the Back of the North Wind, and Lilith. MacDonald says of miracles. ""This, I think, is the true nature of the miracles, an epitome of God's processes in nature beheld in immediate connection with their source-a source as yet lost to the eyes and too often to the hearts of men in the far-receding gradations of continuous law. That men might see the will of God at work, Jesus did the works of his Father thus."" Topics covered in this book include: the beginnings of miracles, the cure of Simon's wife's mother, miracles of healing unsolicited, miracles of healing solicited by the sufferers, miracles granted to the prayer of friends, the casting out of devils, the raising of the dead, the government of nature, and miracles of destruction."