"The Preacher," Nathan Ryder and his new wife, Grace are finally on their way to Redemption to start their new life. With some old friends, a wealthy eastern family and a bunch of freed slaves, they've set out for the New Mexico Territory. The Santa Fe Trail is dangerous in the best of times, even for the most experienced Wagon Masters and Scouts. Add a gunslinger determined to have a showdown with "The Preacher" to the normal dangers of the trail and you have a recipe for Adventure. Shoot-outs, easterners who refuse to learn to live in the West, Indians and even trail side births all test every skill Nugget Nate taught Nathan. Can he overcome all obstacles and reach Redemption? If he does will there even be a Redemption to arrive at? Or will his new enemy destroy any chance Nathan has of a peaceful life as a Circuit Riding Preacher? The answers can only be found on the Redeeming Trail.