The Adventures of Rollo Aubrey, Earl of Redgrave, and his bride, Lilla Zaidie is a collection of science fiction stories by George Griffith. Each was published in magazines or books and later compiled into this single volume. Included here are: A VISIT TO THE MOON THE WORLD OF THE WAR GOD A GLIMPSE OF THE SINLESS STAR THE WORLD OF THE CRYSTAL CITIES IN SATURN'S REALM HOMEWARD BOUND A HONEYMOON IN SPACE THE WORLD PERIL OF 1910 THE RAID OF LE VENGEUR FROM POLE TO POLE A CORNER IN LIGHTNING George Griffith was born in 1857 in Plymouth England. His father, a cleric, had little money at his death, but had provided young George with access to his extensive library, which included the fantastic works of Jules Verne. On retiring as a seaman, he returned to England and spent several years working as a teacher he began writing for the local newspaper. Griffith is considered "the first professional science fiction writer" because he produced story after story, on demand, for his editors and publishers.