One dark and rain swept night a surveillance operation conducted against a ruthless armed robber goes wrong and ends in the death of a young police woman. Stunned and dismayed, her police colleagues seek a scapegoat and centre their anger on her partner, DC Tom McEwan who finds himself not only unjustly blamed for her death, but revelations about his personal relationship with the dead officer result in both his dismissal from the Force and the break-up of his marriage. Some time later, the man wanted for her murder is himself reportedly killed in an automobile accident in Spain and the case is closed. Three years later McEwan by chance catches sight of a figure within a vehicle and is shocked, because either he is seeing a ghost or the man who committed the murder is very much alive. But how does a disgraced, former cop with few friends and no resources prove his suspicion? The author invites the reader to accompany Tom McEwan as he attempts to prove that Robbie ‘Poet' Burns, wanted for the murder of DC Alice Foley, is very much alive and in doing so, becomes embroiled in even more violent death.