Esther Billups was a girl of the Virginia frontier. She was an able pioneer, farmer, and hunter. Thanks to the influence of her soldier father, she learned at a young age how to play the drum. She could drum military tunes and cadences with great skill. She dreamed of one day becoming a drummer in the Continental Army. But girls could not serve as drummers in any army. Hers was an impossible dream. So, she settled for the happiness of a simple life in the Virginia backcountry. Then, through a series of unspeakable events, Esther lost everyone and everything important to her. When she faced the possibility of losing her freedom, as well, Esther went on the run. She ran from her past, from her pain, from her loneliness ... and from the law. With the help of a newfound friend, Esther discovered a way to hide from everyone and everything. She assumed the cleverest of disguises. And it was a disguise that might actually help her fulfill her greatest dream! But would she ever realize that dream? Could she ever serve the cause of independency as a Little Drummer?