Within the town of Lakefield View, five young employees of a picturesque café become embroiled in a startling mystery that has deep roots to their forgotten childhood. Justin, Tiffany, Christina, Eric and Carmen have no choice but to play along in the never-ending horror movie that has now become their lives. The cataclysmic event of a family member getting killed right in front of their eyes sends each character down a gradual path to shocking truths. As the bodies in Lakefield View pile up and the secrets get darker, the five friends fight to survive, finding it harder and harder to keep their heads above increasingly murkier water. At first glance, this town looks just like any other, but as the friends begin to realise, the town itself and the people inside are not quite right. Witness the birth of fear in the first book of the ‘Abyssal Sanctuary' series, Remnants of the Damned where you are welcome to Lakefield View, a town you may enter but if you leave, you will die. But the question remains â€" would you rather leave and die, or stay and wonder what will kill you? After all, the only thing worse than being alone in the dark, is finding out you're not…