Part 1 in this trilogy is set in the American south (Charleston primarily) one year prior to the civil war. It focuses on three characters who are children at a fictional schoolhouse in Charleston (Charleston did not have a public school system at that time) who challenge their racist schoolmaster, a former preacher on a slave ship on the high seas. Jack is at the center of the revolt against "Master Whittemore" and ultimately defeats him during a "trial" that master conducts in his little schoolhouse. This trial is one of the many humorous parts of the book. Master, after some reflection, sees the criticism his students have tried to make and understands that his efforts to sing the praises of the plantation slavery system and of the benefits of secession were wrong. He decides to return to the same slave ship on the ruse that he will again preach (he's an unordained minister) the necessity of slavery. He does the exact opposite and tries to incite rebellion. Master is thrown overboard. Jack and Jeremy had signed up for the journey to Jamaica and other slave-trading ports after they saw the change in their teacher. In Jamaica they meet two free blacks-America and her friend-and together the four conspire to take the ship and set free the entire slave cargo.This novel was written over the past 11 years.