Petra Field didn't have a magical bone in her body, but it didn't take a crystal ball to see disaster loomed. With enchanted blood on her carpet, a house full of Merlin-wannabes unable to clean it up, a petulant cat, and houseguests scheduled to arrive momentarily, she needed a miracle. She got a wizard, a whole lot of unwanted sparks, and a man-sized hole in the middle of her living room--a hole into which her feline promptly disappeared.
Vorador hadn't felt so incompetent since his days as an untried sorcerer. The girl who leapt after her cat and into his arms caused his simplest spells to backfire--quite literally setting his hair ablaze. But it was another part of his anatomy altogether that burned for the saucy blonde. And though she claimed to be no conjurer, he knew that he'd never felt as bewitched as he did now, for Petra had a mesmerizing energy of her own: love.