In this short Storm Ketchum Tale, a shipwreck nearly a hundred years ago strands a Ketchum ancestor on the Outer Banks. In her present-day genealogical research, Ketch's friend and assistant Kelsey has uncovered a link between her Ocracoke Island family and the notorious Wild West outlaw Black Jack Ketchum. Is Black Jack indeed a member of her family tree? And is there also a connection to Ketch's Northern branch of the Ketchum family? The answers will depend on whether young Laura Ketchum of Virginia can survive her packet steamer running aground on the treacherous shoals off Ocracoke Island, as well as the violent storm that caused the shipwreck. Join Laura and the citizens of Ocracoke in an old-time adventure on the historic Outer Banks, where intrigue always seems to be just around the next corner.