America launches an operation deep into India to find a biological terrorist, but the team leader has a more personal save his daughter's life.
Work alongside ex-CIA operative Mick Pierce as he delves into the mysterious disease that is taking his daughter's life, and help his team of commandos find the madman who holds the world hostage with the cure.
Fritz Galt brings us a thriller woven from the fabric of life in India and brings to life a mother who is estranged from her family in favor of her country, a Congressman drowning in Indian hospitality and a terrorist whose dreams extend beyond the Indian subcontinent.
On a mad dash from the south of India to its frozen northland, Mick sees a dying country that needs his help if the disease doesn't get him first.
In the end, he has a daughter's life to save, a family to reunite and a wonderful people to rescue from the grip of a madman who will stop at nothing in the name of his religion.