A classic crime novel by Freeman Wills Crofts, ‘The King of Detective Story Writers', featuring Inspector French, coming soon to television.
Julia Elton, mistress of Chalfont, is the dutiful wife of a man she does not love. Frank Cox is the man she falls in love with. Julia's husband, Richard, suspects her of an affair and has also dismissed an employee for theft.
When a murderer strikes at Richard Elton, it starts a chain of events which affects the lives of many. And one of these is Inspector French.
“A detective novel by Mr. Wills Crofts is always an event to those who know… Mr. Crofts is among the few muscular writers of detective fiction. He has never let me down.”
About the author
Once dubbed ‘The King of Detective Story Writers', Freeman Wills Crofts was an Irish railway engineer whose brilliant first mystery novel, The Cask, was motivated by an extended illness in 1919. Outselling Agatha Christie, and renowned for his ingenious plotting and meticulous attention to detail, Crofts followed up with The Ponson Case (1921) and no less than thirty books featuring the iconic Scotland Yard detective, Inspector French.