An American science fiction writer, editor and fan, with a career spanning more than seventy-five years.The Science Fiction Writers of America named Pohl its 12th recipient of the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award in 1993. Pohl won the Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer in 2010...ContentsSurvival KitPlague of PythonsThe Tunnel Under The WorldMy Lady GreensleevesThe Knights of ArthurThe Day of the Boomer DukesThe HatedPythiasThe Day of the Boomer DukesJust as medicine is not a science, but rather an art--a device, practised in a scientific manner, in its best manifestations--time-travel stories are not science fiction. Time-travel, however, has become acceptable to science fiction readers as a traditional device in stories than are otherwise admissible in the genre. Here, Frederik Pohl employs it to portray the amusingly catastrophic meeting of three societies.The Hated-After space, there was always one more river to cross ... the far side of hatred and murder!The Knights of Arthur-With one suitcase as his domain, Arthur was desperately in need of armed henchmen ... for his keys to a kingdom were typewriter keys!Pythias-Sure, Larry Connaught saved my life—but it was how he did it that forced me to murder him!The Tunnel Under The World-Pinching yourself is no way to see if you are dreaming. Surgical instruments? Well, yes—but a mechanic's kit is best of all!