In the second decade of the 21st Century, the United States suffers the loss of two Presidents: Brett Campbell, assassinated in an Islamic State suicide bombing, and Charles McConnell, who drastically expands the national security state to fight terror. McConnell's death elevates the corrupt and cynical James Robinson to the Presidency. Facing defeat in the imminent election and under pressure from Royce Reed, evangelical leader of the Christian Nation, Robinson nominates Kyle Hunter Jackson, a little known Congressman, retired Army Colonel, and former CEO of Dark/Star, the nation's largest military contractor, as his own Vice-President. Just before his death President McConnell tasked his personal aide, Army Major Elizabeth Gray, with investigating rumors that a clandestine right-wing military group had been formed during the Iraq and Afghan wars. Elizabeth discovers that this cabal -- The Phalanx -- is growing on American military bases, funded by offshore dark money. Her lover, Paul Coulter, a White House reporter, learns that Jackson leads the Phalanx and is now training its cadres on secret Nevada bases with the presidential election only weeks away. As they race to secure the evidence that can break the conspiracy, the country is shattered by a new series of attacks that may destroy its freedoms and send it careening to war. Dominion is a Seven Days in May for the 21st century.