Episode Three continues the story of The ORACLE that consists of a series of episodic short stories that combine the likes of Ray Bradbury's the ILLUSTRATED MAN, Rod Serling's the TWILIGHT ZONE and the short stories of JEFFREY ARCHER.
Like the ILLUSTRATED MAN, The ORACLE consists of a series of short stories tied together by means of a background story ā" a story within a story (similar to Ray Bradbury's āIllustrated Manā). And like the Jeffrey Archer and Twilight Zone stories, the Oracle short stories are written with surprise endings.
The background story begins with a young musician on his way to Phoenix from Los Angles for a concert. He is given a car by his manager and shortly after entering Arizona it breaks down. Out in the middle of nowhere he decides to hitch a ride to the nearest town for help. While waiting for a ride, the weather turns inclement and he seeks refuge at a ranch house inhabited by an old and lonely couple. They invite him in and persuade him to stay for dinner.
After eating, they retire to the living room. After a while, the old woman offers to show their guest some of their three dimensional slides on their old-time stereoscope.
Being polite, the young man decides to endure the request. His hosts carefully remove a set of slides from a shiny metallic box from under the coffee table and place the first one in the stereoscope's viewer. They instruct the young man to hold the stereoscope up to the living room lamp and focus it towards the viewer. When the viewer is focused and the light hits the slide, something amazing happens.
The still 3D image begins to move!
In this episode, Stephen Duncan finds a strange leather notebook of his fathers that read the 'Elixir or Youth and sends him on a quest to rejuvenate himself and reacquire the love of his much younger wife. But is he ready for the necessary sacrifice?