Long long ago, when the pigs ate the apples off the trees and the birds flew upside down, there lived a crazy druid. Who wasn't crazy at all. He was a busy fellow, because the Irish people have always been interested in religion, and he made a good living by pretending sometimes to be crazy. Let's say that he was a man who had an unusual way with belief.
Let me straighten out something at the beginning. Our ancient times knew very few people as important as druids. They were learned men who could tell you the story of the world, and they committed everything to memory, because if it was written down somebody could steal it. They were wise men whose advice was sought by kings and commoners, because it was usually sound advice. They were mostly true men, who had the good of their people at heart, but of course now and then you'd find a few rogues, a few unscrupulous tricksters. Like the man I'm going to tell you about...